Monday, November 9, 2009

PRSSA National Conference

Hello again from PRSSA National Conference in San Diego!
Yesterday was amazing. PRSA invited us to their convention center for a general session with Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post, one of the most successful, powerful news and opinion sites. Arianna is a major player in the world of new media. In her session, she spoke about the connection between politics and public affairs, and the impact it has on the future of the public relations profession. I got there early and was able to be in the fourth row (with over 1,000 people in the audience). No worries, I have pictures that I will upload as soon as I return to Georgia!

Also, I know that many of you are interested in Entertainment and Sports, so I attended the Entertainment and Sports PR Roundtable moderated by Rita Tateel, President of the Celebrity Source. The panelists included: Harry Medvet-Head of Public Relations for Fandango, Bill Shaikin-Sports Writer for the Los Angeles Times. At the next PRSSA meeting I will speak about some of the highlights from this session. Also, if you would like to email me feel free! (

Another session I attend was on International PR. AMAZING advice! If you are considering international PR, make sure to learn as many languages as possible, even if it is only simple conversation. This will set you apart from others. The session was given by Jim Holtje, Senior Manager, Leadership Communications for Siemens. Mr. Holtje informed that even though we are in a recession, it will end. The world is getting smaller(meaning more and more people travel globally for their professions). International PR is growing, and NOW is the time to get started.
5 tips he gave were:
1. Travel and absorb all that you can.
2. Learn foreign languages (4 major players that now have a driving force are Brazil, Russia, India and China).
3. Sharpen your core PR skills (writing, presentation skills, problem solving, critical thinking etc). 4. Broaden your horizons.
5. Network!!
Again, if you would like more information, email me.

Well, I have to go for now-I still have more workshops/sessions to attend!
I hope that you all are doing well, and as they say in San Diego, "Stay Classy!"

Erika A. Ludwig

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